Just 15 seconds of work for 10 rounds? You'll be surprised how much your body will be begging for mercy. - Mike Simone
Without a solid foundation, it's just a matter of time before a structure falls down, so it's essential to build a strong workout base before you graduate to throwing around heavy weights.
>> Using an interval timer, do 15 seconds of each movement with a 15-second rest between.
>> Perform a total of 10 rounds of the following movements.
>> Do NOT to go to muscular failure. Pick a rep scheme that allows you to maintain perfect form.
The 10-Round Body Weight Strength and Stability Workout :
Exercise One - Right Left Pistol Squat (or Assisted Pistol Squat) rest 15 sec. Exercise
Exercise Two - Left Leg Pistol Squat (or Assisted Pistol Squat) rest 15 sec.
Exercise Three - Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups rest 15 sec.
Exercise Four - Bar Row rest 15 sec.
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