When weight is synonymous with imagination
To draw a perfect body without going to gyms, it is possible! Did you know? The objects that we handle on a daily basis can be a way to tone our body easily and without spending a dime.
For abs: take a stand!
For abs, lie on your back and tuck your feet under a piece of furniture, then gently lift your bust without moving your legs up to a sitting position. Do not force early and remember to keep your back straight to avoid injury.
For large rights: use a chair
Lying on your back, place your heels on the edge of the chair, so as to make an angle of 90 °. Take a bottle of water in each hand and extend your arms forward toward your knees. As you inhale, lift your torso by bringing bottles on your knees. Return to the starting position slowly, drop back. If you feel pain or stiffness in the neck, do the exercise without bottles. A series of fifteen years can afford to start slowly.
To build muscles quickly and efficiently, nothing beats water bottles or large dictionaries. Sitting on a chair, back straight, keep your arms along the body while having equal weight in each hand. Bring your arms near the shoulders inspiring and without rotation of the forearm. Must expire during flexion and inspiring way down. And that's how bottles or books become dumbbells!
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